Ultimate Tuesdays

I’m mixing up the my triathlon training this year by playing a social ultimate frisbee game on Tuesday nights. It’s fun – and a great dose of family and friends – to balance with my triathlon craziness. I haven’t played since 2005 and it’s a bit of a shock to the system.

I wore my Garmin last week to see exactly what kind of workout Ultimate Tuesdays deliver. Garmin made a little movie for me [click the image below to play]. You can see where my stuff was on the sideline, my lazy defense, our sometimes crazy offense, and where I parked the car (& please excuse my visit to the washrooms). Triathletes and their technology. Jeez.

I ran 6.8km in 2hrs 40min – which sounds VERY slow and steady! Ultimate is pretty much the opposite of slow and steady and involves lots of short bursts of sprinting, lots of standing around, and lots of smokies on the BBQ.

Throw a frisbee at the finish line & all my Ultimate Tuesdays will pay off.

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